In the middle of my 35 minute walk/run I got a call from my doctor. She had the results from my biopsy (the procedure last week that made me too weak to work out on Wednesday). I finished my workout and managed to run 14 of the 35 minutes, but not consecutively. Anyway, the doctor wants to do surgery next week on Wednesday, and from what she said, I probably won't be able to work out for 2 weeks after that. I am feeling like I will never be able to make my goal of running a half marathon. I have been really struggling so far with all the illnesses and pain as well as breastfeeding and taking care of a newborn. I am wondering if this was too much to take on so soon after having him.
Maybe I will be able to at least walk for those two weeks. I will find out more when I go in for my pre-op appointment on Wednesday. At least I can keep up my training until the surgery. And then I can pick up again when I recover. I can always run as much of the half marathon as I can and then walk the rest. And I can find other marathons to run later in the year, I suppose. Maybe I will catch back up to where I need to be after recovering. Ugh! This is not what I had planned!
Just be safe and listen to your body! We can always find a half marathon later on this year! Put your body's needs first. You are an awesome momma!