Sunday, April 12, 2009

Things Change

If you hadn't noticed, I have not been around much lately. My plans for the half marathon have been trumped by pregnancy. I am already feeling weak and sick. I tried to run this week. It was sad. I could only run a quarter mile. Then I tried to walk. I could barely do it. Then I felt really weak and light headed. Needless to say, I won't be running for a bit. I plan to continue walking, as long as I am able to stand. It is difficult right now. I have gotten very sick with my other pregnancies. I will have the baby with a few weeks to recover and then I can start training for the half marathon in 2010! And there won't be any risk for pregnancy during that training! So, I might not be posting much for a while, but I will continue to write about my walking, and maybe a little jogging when I am over the morning sickness phase. And I will pick up when we start training in December!

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