My Half Marathon
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Monday, July 26, 2010
I did it!
Ok, so all I really did was make it through a week without quitting. It was difficult. I ended the week at 2/1 run/walk 5 times followed by 1/1 run/walk 5 times. The minute in between 2 minute runs was way too short! I persisted and I made it through. I am not too excited about the 3/1 run/walk days scheduled this week. I can do this. I can do this. I can do this! :)
Monday, July 19, 2010
I'm still here
I seem to be having trouble getting on the treadmill lately. It all started when I went to my sister's wedding in early June. There was no way I could even attempt to run/walk in the humidity in Kansas. When I got back, I was dragging my feet about it. I finally got it in my head that I was going to get on the treadmill when I cut my toe. It wasn't just a little cut, I cut a pea sized area of skin off and it was deep enough that I couldn't wear anything other than flip-flops for two weeks. Then my kids kept kneeling on my toe or stepping on my toe and making it hurt worse, tearing off the new skin that was growing there. I kept dragging my feet once my toe got a little better. Maybe it's because I have a baby who is teething (miserably) and wakes up several times a night. Maybe because when that baby is awake I have to be with him constantly or he will choke on something my older kids leave on the floor, fall down the stairs (because he can climb them now), or eat paper, get into my purse and eat my phone thereby ruining it, etc... However, I will not give up! I am to the point where I just want to be able to run for 30 minutes without passing out. So I searched the internet and found a program that is 3 weeks long, ending with me being able to run for 30 minutes. It is very detailed. It tells me how much to run and how much to walk each day. I got up this morning and told the older girls to watch the baby so I could get on the treadmill. I was dreading it- because I have been slacking off for almost a month. It really wasn't that bad, though. I did a 5 minute warm up of walking and then 1/1 minute run/walk 10 times (total of 20 minutes), followed by a 5 minute walk to cool down. Tomorrow I get to do the same. I look forward to the day that I can run 3 miles again. I am hopeful that I can run my first 5k around the end of the summer. Hopefully!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Training: Week 5
I got on the treadmill Monday for only 20 minutes because my legs were so sore from some work I did on Saturday. Then I headed to my sister's wedding and only got in a short walk one day. Not the best week, but I am back and ready to go again.
Week 6: I will be redoing Week 5- 35 minute walk/run.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Training: Week 4
Monday was a holiday, so I got a little confused and then forgot to get on the treadmill that night. I got in my 30 minutes the rest of the week, though.
Next week: Week 5 is 35 minute walk/run
Next week: Week 5 is 35 minute walk/run
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Training: Week 3
Okay, so I guess last week was actually week 2 of the 20 weeks of training. So this week was week 3. I am so confused!
This week I did a walk/run for 25 minutes on Monday, Thursday and Saturday. I missed Wednesday. :( I have to get on the treadmill while the baby is sleeping because he can't be alone for 25 minutes while awake. Not with my 4 year old around. I was about to get on the treadmill when SHE WOKE HIM UP! I was upset. So I showered and changed into my regular clothes because I had someone coming over. I called my husband and told him to help me remember to get on the treadmill that evening. We forgot. Ugh! This is why I wake up and put on my running clothes. I wear them until I get on the treadmill. It is a reminder. But I had showered and changed because I had something going on that day. Guess I just have to get up in the morning before Jeff goes to work. Then I know I will get it in.
Next week: 30 minute walk/run!
This week I did a walk/run for 25 minutes on Monday, Thursday and Saturday. I missed Wednesday. :( I have to get on the treadmill while the baby is sleeping because he can't be alone for 25 minutes while awake. Not with my 4 year old around. I was about to get on the treadmill when SHE WOKE HIM UP! I was upset. So I showered and changed into my regular clothes because I had someone coming over. I called my husband and told him to help me remember to get on the treadmill that evening. We forgot. Ugh! This is why I wake up and put on my running clothes. I wear them until I get on the treadmill. It is a reminder. But I had showered and changed because I had something going on that day. Guess I just have to get up in the morning before Jeff goes to work. Then I know I will get it in.
Next week: 30 minute walk/run!
Monday, May 24, 2010
Training: Week 1
Last week I started at week 1. Again. But I made it through it this time! I did get on the treadmill a few times the week before, but I felt it would be better if I stuck with a 20 minute walk/run for another week. So, it is official. I am now done with week 1 of my training. Week 2: walk run 25 minutes. Here we go!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Beginning..... again
Yay! I got on the treadmill and did it today. I have been so unmotivated. I have been trying to get myself to just get on with it. Today, I finally did. I did a 20 minute walk/run. I walked for 3 minutes to warm up and then ran 1 minute and walked 2 minutes until the last 2 minutes of walking for a cool down. I feel so much better when I exercise. I love how I feel. So why is it so hard to just do it? Hmmm... Now that I have started, it isn't so bad.
Here we go! (again)
Here we go! (again)
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Been awhile...
I know it has been awhile. We are getting settled in our new home. Today, we finally got the treadmill in the house! I am excited to get back to running. I think I might be switching to the Run to Stay Warm half marathon in November now. I think more people will be in town that weekend than the weekend of the Women's Half Marathon. Not to mention it is on a Saturday instead of a Sunday, which is a huge bonus. It is still up in the air, though. For now, I will start over on my 10 week training building up to running for half an hour. Then I will start on my 10 week Half Marathon training. That should put me on schedule for the Women's Half, but still give me the option of switching to the November half. I can decide at some point this summer which one I will run. The important thing is that I start my running again. So tomorrow, I will start up my training! Yay!!!! Exercise makes me feel so good. :)
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Starting Over
Bet you thought I'd quit! If so, you were mistaken. I was pretty down for a bit and thought "why bother?" But now I am over that. It is time to start over. So Monday I walked for 20 minutes.
I am in the middle of packing for the big move this weekend, so it is a bit crazy. I may not post regularly for a few weeks till we are all settled.
Here is the new plan:
There is a new Women's Half Marathon here in September. So several friends wanted to do and suggested I do it too. So I am scrapping the half in May since I would only be able to run not even a quarter of it. September is a doable goal. I can totally be ready for that one. And it is right around my birthday so we can have a big ole party when I'm here!
Ah! A fresh start!
I am in the middle of packing for the big move this weekend, so it is a bit crazy. I may not post regularly for a few weeks till we are all settled.
Here is the new plan:
There is a new Women's Half Marathon here in September. So several friends wanted to do and suggested I do it too. So I am scrapping the half in May since I would only be able to run not even a quarter of it. September is a doable goal. I can totally be ready for that one. And it is right around my birthday so we can have a big ole party when I'm here!
Ah! A fresh start!
Monday, February 8, 2010
Training: Week 8
I find myself in week 8 of training and I am so behind! I am still looking at the treadmill longingly. I feel so...yucky?? I don't know. It just doesn't feel good- this lack of exercise. I go to the doctor in 2 days! Hopefully she will tell me I can start running again. I miss it. :(
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Training: Week 7
I stare longingly at my treadmill.....
I am really missing walking and running. I think since it has been a week and I am feeling better that I can start walking. I go to the doctor next Wednesday and hopefully she will tell me I can run again. I feel so behind. Hopefully I can catch up.
I am really missing walking and running. I think since it has been a week and I am feeling better that I can start walking. I go to the doctor next Wednesday and hopefully she will tell me I can run again. I feel so behind. Hopefully I can catch up.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Training: Weeks 5 and 6
I was so discouraged knowing that recovery from surgery would keep me from training. I let it get to me. So I stopped. I need to be more diligent. I had surgery yesterday and don't get to do any running for two weeks. :( We are moving on March 1st, and I have looked up races in the Las Vegas area. I am excited because there are many races in the winter and spring! They do a marathon (and a half marathon) in December. I am looking forward to that! I still plan to do the Eugene Marathon half in May. I may end up walking some of it if I can't get up to the whole thing with the training setback. I think I would like to do at least one 5K a month after the half. I have a few friends who have really gotten into running. It is so wonderful to have friends to inspire me! I look forward to the end of these next 2 weeks so I can get back to running!
Monday, January 18, 2010
Training: Week 5, Day 1
In the middle of my 35 minute walk/run I got a call from my doctor. She had the results from my biopsy (the procedure last week that made me too weak to work out on Wednesday). I finished my workout and managed to run 14 of the 35 minutes, but not consecutively. Anyway, the doctor wants to do surgery next week on Wednesday, and from what she said, I probably won't be able to work out for 2 weeks after that. I am feeling like I will never be able to make my goal of running a half marathon. I have been really struggling so far with all the illnesses and pain as well as breastfeeding and taking care of a newborn. I am wondering if this was too much to take on so soon after having him.
Maybe I will be able to at least walk for those two weeks. I will find out more when I go in for my pre-op appointment on Wednesday. At least I can keep up my training until the surgery. And then I can pick up again when I recover. I can always run as much of the half marathon as I can and then walk the rest. And I can find other marathons to run later in the year, I suppose. Maybe I will catch back up to where I need to be after recovering. Ugh! This is not what I had planned!
Maybe I will be able to at least walk for those two weeks. I will find out more when I go in for my pre-op appointment on Wednesday. At least I can keep up my training until the surgery. And then I can pick up again when I recover. I can always run as much of the half marathon as I can and then walk the rest. And I can find other marathons to run later in the year, I suppose. Maybe I will catch back up to where I need to be after recovering. Ugh! This is not what I had planned!
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Training: Week 4
This week's schedule called for a 30 minute walk/run.
Monday I ran for 6 1/2 minutes straight! I was hoping to work up to 10 minutes by the end of the week.
Wednesday I had a procedure and then didn't eat enough so I was too weak to work out. :( I am working on eating enough. It is hard when you are breastfeeding a 6 week old baby. I have to be sure to eat enough and not overdo it. Well, I will just stay more on top of things from here on out.
Thursday I got a call from a realtor and someone wanted to look at our house the next day. Sooo, that night- instead of working out- Jeff and I cleaned. And cleaned. And cleaned. (We got it all done at least.)
Saturday I told myself no excuses. I have plans for the night, so working out would have to be earlier in the day. Hmmm. Maybe I should do that every day. Then I don't have to worry about being weak at the end of a long day, or put it off to clean for a surprise walk through. Well, I did it. I got my run/walk in. And before 10 pm, no less! Its a miracle! I managed to run for 7 1/2 minutes straight this time. So hopefully I will be hitting 10 minutes this coming week.
By the way, this coming week I get to walk/run for 35 minutes! Yay me! I am not very good at this, but at least I am not quitting. :)
Monday I ran for 6 1/2 minutes straight! I was hoping to work up to 10 minutes by the end of the week.
Wednesday I had a procedure and then didn't eat enough so I was too weak to work out. :( I am working on eating enough. It is hard when you are breastfeeding a 6 week old baby. I have to be sure to eat enough and not overdo it. Well, I will just stay more on top of things from here on out.
Thursday I got a call from a realtor and someone wanted to look at our house the next day. Sooo, that night- instead of working out- Jeff and I cleaned. And cleaned. And cleaned. (We got it all done at least.)
Saturday I told myself no excuses. I have plans for the night, so working out would have to be earlier in the day. Hmmm. Maybe I should do that every day. Then I don't have to worry about being weak at the end of a long day, or put it off to clean for a surprise walk through. Well, I did it. I got my run/walk in. And before 10 pm, no less! Its a miracle! I managed to run for 7 1/2 minutes straight this time. So hopefully I will be hitting 10 minutes this coming week.
By the way, this coming week I get to walk/run for 35 minutes! Yay me! I am not very good at this, but at least I am not quitting. :)
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Training: Week 3
Monday we were still recovering from our long drive back from L.A. We arrived home at 4 am. So I didn't get my walk/run in that day. This week was a 25 minute walk/run.
Wednesday I struggled to get dressed in my workout clothes. Jeff practically had to drag me off the couch. But it got done. And it wasn't so bad.
Thursday I struggled again. What is it about working out that is so difficult? I was not enjoying it at all. Usually once I get going it isn't so bad.
Saturday Jeff didn't have to drag me off the couch! I walked for 3 minutes, ran 1 1/2, walked 3, ran 5, walked 3, ran 1 1/2, walked 3, ran 2 1/2 and walked for the final 2 1/2 minutes. Yeah, that is 25 minutes. I am proud of my 5 minute stretch. Much better than week 3 last year! Remember, I just had a baby 6 weeks ago and haven't run for 9 months. I feel like I am making real progress. Maybe by the end of next week I'll be able to run for 10 minutes?
Wednesday I struggled to get dressed in my workout clothes. Jeff practically had to drag me off the couch. But it got done. And it wasn't so bad.
Thursday I struggled again. What is it about working out that is so difficult? I was not enjoying it at all. Usually once I get going it isn't so bad.
Saturday Jeff didn't have to drag me off the couch! I walked for 3 minutes, ran 1 1/2, walked 3, ran 5, walked 3, ran 1 1/2, walked 3, ran 2 1/2 and walked for the final 2 1/2 minutes. Yeah, that is 25 minutes. I am proud of my 5 minute stretch. Much better than week 3 last year! Remember, I just had a baby 6 weeks ago and haven't run for 9 months. I feel like I am making real progress. Maybe by the end of next week I'll be able to run for 10 minutes?
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Training: Week 2
Monday I was still suffering the after effects of the stomach flu. Weak and dehydrated, I rested.
Tuesday we spent a long day at Disneyland. I walked and walked and walked, and ran a little. That counts right?
Wednesday- the stomach flu returned. Why?!?!
Thursday was another long day at Disneyland. Walking, walking, walking and a bit of a run in there.
Saturday- last day of Disneyland and some California Adventure. What a terrible way to get in my exercise, NOT!
I know I didn't really get in my 20 minutes of walking/running, but I think I more than made up for that pushing a stroller with a baby and a 3 year old around the parks all day (like from 8 am to 9-10 pm). Right?
Tuesday we spent a long day at Disneyland. I walked and walked and walked, and ran a little. That counts right?
Wednesday- the stomach flu returned. Why?!?!
Thursday was another long day at Disneyland. Walking, walking, walking and a bit of a run in there.
Saturday- last day of Disneyland and some California Adventure. What a terrible way to get in my exercise, NOT!
I know I didn't really get in my 20 minutes of walking/running, but I think I more than made up for that pushing a stroller with a baby and a 3 year old around the parks all day (like from 8 am to 9-10 pm). Right?
Training: Week 1 (the rest of it)
Wednesday was the day we left for our Christmas holiday in California. I planned to get up early and walk before we left. Having a newborn really makes it impossible to plan. I got so behind and was so exhausted. We left 4 1/2 hours late and my house wasn't clean. Needless to say, I didn't get my walk in.
Thursday we were in sunny Redondo Beach! I got my 20 minutes of walking that day!
In the middle of Friday night I got the stomach flu. It was awful. It ruined my Saturday walk. Never happened. Why does it seem that things happen and make it impossible for me to stick with the program? Come on! I just want to do this!
Thursday we were in sunny Redondo Beach! I got my 20 minutes of walking that day!
In the middle of Friday night I got the stomach flu. It was awful. It ruined my Saturday walk. Never happened. Why does it seem that things happen and make it impossible for me to stick with the program? Come on! I just want to do this!
Monday, December 21, 2009
Training: Week 1 Day 1
Today is the day! I start training for the 2010 Half Marathon today! This week is just a 20 minute walk on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday. I have a treadmill (yeah, we bought it about a week or two before I found out I was pregnant so it didn't really get used much) so I can start out on that since it is raining. At least its not snowing like last year!
I got my 20 minutes of walking in while Andrew slept. He started fussing as I was turning off the treadmill. Good timing! And thank goodness for my Mac being in the same room as the treadmill. I just used my handy remote to start some music when I got bored halfway through my walk!
I got my 20 minutes of walking in while Andrew slept. He started fussing as I was turning off the treadmill. Good timing! And thank goodness for my Mac being in the same room as the treadmill. I just used my handy remote to start some music when I got bored halfway through my walk!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Half Marathon 2010
I downloaded my registration form for the 2010 Eugene Half Marathon! I know I am still pregnant, but it will be over soon and training starts December 21st! I am excited. I think (and hope) we will have moved before the marathon, which is at the beginning of May 2010. I don't want to train in all this rain. I will start blogging regularly next month! Yay!
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Marathon Day
Today is a sad day for me. It was the half marathon/marathon today. I didn't even get to walk the half marathon. One of my BFs walked it. Someone else I know ran it. And here I am at home, not feeling well, lucky to stand for 30 minutes! Well, three weeks after I have this baby I will be starting training for next year's half marathon. I will do it. There will be no surprise pregnancies to hold me back! Yay! Not that I am not excited about this baby, it is just that it really threw off some plans that I had. When I am able to walk again, I will start tracking my progress with that. Hopefully that will be in June or July. It is pretty rough going right now and I am having trouble getting over this dehydration from the morning sickness (more like all day and night sickness)! Once I get it all under control, I am sure I will have the energy to walk again!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Things Change
If you hadn't noticed, I have not been around much lately. My plans for the half marathon have been trumped by pregnancy. I am already feeling weak and sick. I tried to run this week. It was sad. I could only run a quarter mile. Then I tried to walk. I could barely do it. Then I felt really weak and light headed. Needless to say, I won't be running for a bit. I plan to continue walking, as long as I am able to stand. It is difficult right now. I have gotten very sick with my other pregnancies. I will have the baby with a few weeks to recover and then I can start training for the half marathon in 2010! And there won't be any risk for pregnancy during that training! So, I might not be posting much for a while, but I will continue to write about my walking, and maybe a little jogging when I am over the morning sickness phase. And I will pick up when we start training in December!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Training: Day 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112
Monday: Walked 1.3 miles.
Tuesday: Walked 1.3 miles.
Wednesday: Nothing.
Thursday: Nothing.
Friday: Nothing.
Saturday: I strolled around at Oakway Center. We even crossed the street to go check out shoes at DSW! Does that count? Probably not.
Sunday: Rest day.
The good news is that we got a treadmill. I will start using it tomorrow. I know that sounds like I am putting it off, but I don't run on Sunday. It's just a thing I have.
I am excited to have it because it seems that between schedules and finding someone to watch the kids, running gets put on the back burner. Now there will be no excuses. It is here, I won't get rained on, and I can use it when the kids are home! Yay! I am so excited to get back in the swing of things!
Tuesday: Walked 1.3 miles.
Wednesday: Nothing.
Thursday: Nothing.
Friday: Nothing.
Saturday: I strolled around at Oakway Center. We even crossed the street to go check out shoes at DSW! Does that count? Probably not.
Sunday: Rest day.
The good news is that we got a treadmill. I will start using it tomorrow. I know that sounds like I am putting it off, but I don't run on Sunday. It's just a thing I have.
I am excited to have it because it seems that between schedules and finding someone to watch the kids, running gets put on the back burner. Now there will be no excuses. It is here, I won't get rained on, and I can use it when the kids are home! Yay! I am so excited to get back in the swing of things!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Training: Day 102, 103, 104, 105
With Spring Break, a sick husband, sick kids, being sick myself, and rain I have not been running. I have a chest cold. Sore throat. Cough. General yuckiness!
Thursday was a bust.
Friday was a rest day.
Saturday the rain started.
Sunday is a rest day.
Thursday was a bust.
Friday was a rest day.
Saturday the rain started.
Sunday is a rest day.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Training: Day 100, 101
Tuesday was a rest day.
Wednesday I ran with my brother's fiance, Kelly. We ran two miles. I still struggle. Anything over a mile is really pushing me. I can do it, but I am struggling internally the whole time! What is my issue? I think I am going to stick with 2-3 miles for a bit, until it gets a little easier. I mean, I am at a 5K now! I know I can make it through one at the very least. I am still working toward longer runs, but I guess I have to start somewhere. I have fallen quite behind in my half marathon training! I think we might have to reassess my goal. I still plan to do the half marathon, but it might end up that I walk some or all of it. I guess we will have to see how it goes. I am not giving up yet. And just because I don't meet my original goal this time, it doesn't mean I can't do it next year! Everyone kind of thought I was crazy for trying for a half marathon. Most of the people I know are starting with a 5K, then a 10K. I guess I just wanted to go for the gusto. Maybe it will just have to take a little longer to get there. And eventually maybe I can work up to that full marathon thing they have going on! We'll have to see about that one!
Wednesday I ran with my brother's fiance, Kelly. We ran two miles. I still struggle. Anything over a mile is really pushing me. I can do it, but I am struggling internally the whole time! What is my issue? I think I am going to stick with 2-3 miles for a bit, until it gets a little easier. I mean, I am at a 5K now! I know I can make it through one at the very least. I am still working toward longer runs, but I guess I have to start somewhere. I have fallen quite behind in my half marathon training! I think we might have to reassess my goal. I still plan to do the half marathon, but it might end up that I walk some or all of it. I guess we will have to see how it goes. I am not giving up yet. And just because I don't meet my original goal this time, it doesn't mean I can't do it next year! Everyone kind of thought I was crazy for trying for a half marathon. Most of the people I know are starting with a 5K, then a 10K. I guess I just wanted to go for the gusto. Maybe it will just have to take a little longer to get there. And eventually maybe I can work up to that full marathon thing they have going on! We'll have to see about that one!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Training: Day 99
Tonight we had an appointment at 6. With sick kids on top of that, we didn't get to run.
I am starting to feel like this is just not gonna happen! Things keep coming up. When will I be able to run. And the chest pain is still there. I don't know what that is all about! Is it allergies, did I hurt myself? What is up?!!
I am starting to feel like this is just not gonna happen! Things keep coming up. When will I be able to run. And the chest pain is still there. I don't know what that is all about! Is it allergies, did I hurt myself? What is up?!!
Monday, March 23, 2009
Training: Day 97, 98
Saturday we planned to run. Unfortunately, Alona had a fever for the second day in a row. She was lethargic and not feeling well. Jeff was still sick, as well. We decided to stay in. This is getting a bit frustrating.
Sunday was a rest day. My chest is still hurting if I breathe deeply. I am not sure what it is. It's a bit strange. I am hoping it is related to allergies. The tree pollen is outrageous right now!
Sunday was a rest day. My chest is still hurting if I breathe deeply. I am not sure what it is. It's a bit strange. I am hoping it is related to allergies. The tree pollen is outrageous right now!
Friday, March 20, 2009
Training: Day 95, 96
Thursday we planned to run 3 miles. After Wednesday's troubles we decided to rest. My legs were still hurting pretty badly. Thursday evening, Jeff came down with a fever, so we wouldn't have run anyway.
Friday is a rest day. My legs are still pretty sore and stiff. Hopefully, after 2 days of rest, Saturday's run will be better!
Friday is a rest day. My legs are still pretty sore and stiff. Hopefully, after 2 days of rest, Saturday's run will be better!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Training: Day 94
We went running tonight. Thankfully, Kristi is watching our girls while we run! It is so great of her to do that for us!
We ran for a mile and a quarter and then I couldn't take the pain in my lungs anymore. It was awful! I think it might be because of my allergies. Tree pollen is pretty high right now and the claritin I am taking doesn't seem to cut it. So we walked. We walked for a mile and a half. My shins were killing. I don't even know where that came from! My shins never hurt this badly before. I ran the last quarter mile. It is great that the path we run is marked every quarter mile. I am disappointed at all the pain that makes it so hard to run. I thought because the last two runs were good, this one would be as well! I guess I was wrong. I have had so many setbacks. I am going to do this half marathon. Even if I have to run till I can't anymore and stumble the rest of the way!
We ran for a mile and a quarter and then I couldn't take the pain in my lungs anymore. It was awful! I think it might be because of my allergies. Tree pollen is pretty high right now and the claritin I am taking doesn't seem to cut it. So we walked. We walked for a mile and a half. My shins were killing. I don't even know where that came from! My shins never hurt this badly before. I ran the last quarter mile. It is great that the path we run is marked every quarter mile. I am disappointed at all the pain that makes it so hard to run. I thought because the last two runs were good, this one would be as well! I guess I was wrong. I have had so many setbacks. I am going to do this half marathon. Even if I have to run till I can't anymore and stumble the rest of the way!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Training: Day 93
Tuesday is a rest day, as you know. But today I went walking 1.3 miles anyway. I have to keep active. It gets me up and going for the day. And compared to running three miles, walking that is resting!
Monday, March 16, 2009
Just to make it clear
So I totally got screwed up on days. I was off by about 4 days. I was at training day 87 or 88 and it was supposed to be day 92. I figured out where I left out the days and fixed it. Now I am back on track. I hope I am able to get the running lengths back on track as well. We are supposed to run 8 miles this Saturday, and we are only gonna be able to get in 4! I am not sure how we are going to work up to where we should be, but we are going to try!
Training: Day 92
Tonight Jeff and I ran together again! My friend Kristi has agreed to watch the kids when we run on Mon, Wed, and Thurs! Yay! Thanks so much, Kristi!!! We ran 3 miles again. I think this week we will run 3, 3, 3, 4. That is Mon, Wed, Thur, Sat. Maybe Jeff's mom will watch the girls for our Saturday run? Wink, wink!
Training: Day 90, 91
After the 3 mile run on Friday I was quite sore. Or weak. It was hard to move on Saturday. So I rested.
Sunday is always a rest day.
Jeff and I are trying to find someone to watch the kids so we can train together. Hopefully, we will find someone! It was so great to run together!
Sunday is always a rest day.
Jeff and I are trying to find someone to watch the kids so we can train together. Hopefully, we will find someone! It was so great to run together!
Friday, March 13, 2009
Training: Day 89
I'M BACK! I DID IT! I ran 3 miles tonight! Yay!!!!! I am so proud of myself.
I actually went running with Jeff tonight. We hired a babysitter for an hour and drove over to run the South River Bank. It was dark, so we didn't really get to enjoy the beautiful scenery, but it was still nice. The wind off the river felt so good! I ran a little slower than I was running before, but that is probably to be expected after more than 2 weeks of not running.
I actually went running with Jeff tonight. We hired a babysitter for an hour and drove over to run the South River Bank. It was dark, so we didn't really get to enjoy the beautiful scenery, but it was still nice. The wind off the river felt so good! I ran a little slower than I was running before, but that is probably to be expected after more than 2 weeks of not running.
Training: Day 86, 87, 88
Tuesday I walked 1.3 miles.
Wednesday I didn't get out.
Thursday I walked 1.3 miles.
I have decided that Friday is the day I get back to it! I will run. I will run at least 3 miles. I am getting back on track and I will finish what I started. So check in later to see that I actually did it!
Wednesday I didn't get out.
Thursday I walked 1.3 miles.
I have decided that Friday is the day I get back to it! I will run. I will run at least 3 miles. I am getting back on track and I will finish what I started. So check in later to see that I actually did it!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Training: Day 85
Monday I jogged for about 1.3 miles. It was not very difficult. I thought it would be worse. I am hoping to go for at least twice that distance on Wednesday. I am glad that I am back out there again. It feels good.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
This is so I can remember
This week is going to be week number three of the final 10 week training. I am not sure that I will actually get in 6 miles on Saturday, but I am going to try to do what I can and get back on track by week 6 or 7. I am going to do this. I will do this. I will enjoy it! It will be wonderful!
Training: Day 81, 82, 83, 84
Thursday came and went with no running. I was doing nails for a friend and tried to talk her into running with me since it was too late to go by myself, but to no avail.
Friday I walked with Celina.
Saturday was a weird day. I worked in the middle of the day. Then I took a long nap. We had Josh over for a movie and Rock Band. I never got out to run.
Sunday is a rest day.
I am going to start running again this week. I am not sure how I will catch up to where I should be in my training, but I am going to try. I wish it were warmer. Somewhere in the 50's would be nice. I think it is supposed to get there this week. That ought to help me stay a little more motivated!
Friday I walked with Celina.
Saturday was a weird day. I worked in the middle of the day. Then I took a long nap. We had Josh over for a movie and Rock Band. I never got out to run.
Sunday is a rest day.
I am going to start running again this week. I am not sure how I will catch up to where I should be in my training, but I am going to try. I wish it were warmer. Somewhere in the 50's would be nice. I think it is supposed to get there this week. That ought to help me stay a little more motivated!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Training: Day 75, 76, 77, 78, 79,80
I know. It has been forever. Okay, maybe not forever. It feels that way. I haven't been getting the running in, but I will give you the run down.
Friday I went walking with Celina. I can at least keep active if I can't get out to run.
Saturday we were in Seattle. I brought my running gear, but I didn't want to run by myself in a strange place. And of course, I wanted to go see Confessions of a Shopaholic with my brother's fiance, Kelly!
Sunday is always a rest day.
Monday we headed back home around noon. I didn't get anything in but sitting in the car that day!
Tuesday I went walking with Celina.
Wednesday I didn't go walking because I volunteer in Alona's class in the mornings on Wednesdays. I was going to go running in the evening, but Jessica came over to get her nails done and then she ended up staying late. I know, all these excuses...
So my plan is to start running on Thursday. It has been a strange couple of weeks and I would really like to get back on track.
Friday I went walking with Celina. I can at least keep active if I can't get out to run.
Saturday we were in Seattle. I brought my running gear, but I didn't want to run by myself in a strange place. And of course, I wanted to go see Confessions of a Shopaholic with my brother's fiance, Kelly!
Sunday is always a rest day.
Monday we headed back home around noon. I didn't get anything in but sitting in the car that day!
Tuesday I went walking with Celina.
Wednesday I didn't go walking because I volunteer in Alona's class in the mornings on Wednesdays. I was going to go running in the evening, but Jessica came over to get her nails done and then she ended up staying late. I know, all these excuses...
So my plan is to start running on Thursday. It has been a strange couple of weeks and I would really like to get back on track.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Training: Day 73, 74
Wednesday I wanted to go walking with Celina when Jeff got home from work. That didn't happen because Jeff didn't get home till after midnight.
Thursday I went walking with Celina and her sister in the morning. We used the double jogging stroller to push the kids. It has a rain cover so that was nice. It wasn't actually raining, but it helps block the wind. I ran for a short little bit. I really wish I could've run more. I ran in a cul-de-sac and then ran back around to catch up with them. It was a nice walk, at least.
Thursday I went walking with Celina and her sister in the morning. We used the double jogging stroller to push the kids. It has a rain cover so that was nice. It wasn't actually raining, but it helps block the wind. I ran for a short little bit. I really wish I could've run more. I ran in a cul-de-sac and then ran back around to catch up with them. It was a nice walk, at least.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Training: Day 69, 70, 71, 72
Saturday night I got off work after 8:30, so I didn't go running. I did, however, go to my friend Celina's house and we walked. She's not really up to running yet, but maybe eventually!
Sunday was a rest day.
Monday I was planning to start my official 10 weeks of training! Unfortunately, I was watching a friend's children and then we had someone over right after they left. I never got to go.
I was going to make up for it by running Tues, Wed, and then Fri, Sat instead of Mon, Wed, Thurs, Sat. Unfortunately Jeff had to work late. He got home a little before 9 pm. He is supposed to work late Wednesday and Thursday as well. Wednesdays I volunteer in my daughter's class at school, so I can't go in the morning. I am hoping to go running/walking with Celina on Wednesday night after Jeff gets home. I think I will run in the morning on Thursday. That will be really hard. Although the new bed helps me sleep better, so maybe it'll be easier for me to get up early!
Sunday was a rest day.
Monday I was planning to start my official 10 weeks of training! Unfortunately, I was watching a friend's children and then we had someone over right after they left. I never got to go.
I was going to make up for it by running Tues, Wed, and then Fri, Sat instead of Mon, Wed, Thurs, Sat. Unfortunately Jeff had to work late. He got home a little before 9 pm. He is supposed to work late Wednesday and Thursday as well. Wednesdays I volunteer in my daughter's class at school, so I can't go in the morning. I am hoping to go running/walking with Celina on Wednesday night after Jeff gets home. I think I will run in the morning on Thursday. That will be really hard. Although the new bed helps me sleep better, so maybe it'll be easier for me to get up early!
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Training: Day 66, 67, 68
Wednesday evening I had an event to go to with a friend. I got back late and didn't get to run.
Thursday evening I had to take Ashley to church for an activity. I got back late and didn't get to run.
I just don't feel safe running in the dark after 8pm by myself on the virtually unlit path.
Friday was a rest day. I was going to try to make up for the previous two days. But Ashley had a birthday part to go to at 4pm. It was at an indoor pool. I dropped her off and then headed to Celina's house. We were just going to take the kids to the park until the party ended, but then we decided to order Chinese for dinner. Then we put the kids down in her girl's room and played Rock Band. Never got to run. Now I have to work late on Saturday at the Day Spa and I'm not sure I'll be able to run again! Yikes!
Thursday evening I had to take Ashley to church for an activity. I got back late and didn't get to run.
I just don't feel safe running in the dark after 8pm by myself on the virtually unlit path.
Friday was a rest day. I was going to try to make up for the previous two days. But Ashley had a birthday part to go to at 4pm. It was at an indoor pool. I dropped her off and then headed to Celina's house. We were just going to take the kids to the park until the party ended, but then we decided to order Chinese for dinner. Then we put the kids down in her girl's room and played Rock Band. Never got to run. Now I have to work late on Saturday at the Day Spa and I'm not sure I'll be able to run again! Yikes!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
10 Week Training Schedule
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Training: Day 65
Tuesday is a rest day. I found myself being extremely thirsty. Don't know what that is all about. I drink water. That's all, unless there is a special occasion. Then I might have some sparkling apple marionberry cider. I guess I need to drink even more water. I think I'll work on that this week.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Training: Day 64
I just ran 40 minutes. It was supposed to be a 25 minute run today, but because I missed the 40 minutes on Saturday, I decided to go 40. I was avoiding it and trying to make excuses so I could run for a shorter amount of time. But when I got out and started, I decided to just go for it. Of course, on the way out for the first 20, I was thinking that I should just quit now because I'll never be able to run 5 miles at the end of next week, let alone 13.1 in 10 weeks. I was feeling pretty down. But on the way back for the last 20, I was feeling better. Slower, maybe. But definitely more optimistic. Jeff thought I was just going for the 25, so I surprised him when I was gone for longer. I'm gonna keep trying, I guess. No, not guess. I know. And not try. I'm gonna. I'm going to do this. And then I will be happy and healthier. And I'll keep running.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Training: Day 60, 61, 62, 63
Don't know what happened to Thursday.
Friday was a rest day. I was feeling it from the runs the two previous day. I am quite proud of myself for running 30 minutes. I didn't think I could do it. And I couldn't a few weeks ago.
Saturday was supposed to be a 40 minute run. We were actually busy all day and then went on a date for Valentine's Day. So we never went running. I think I will run 40 minutes on Monday to make up for it.
Sunday is a rest day again. We did go on a walk. It is a gorgeous day- the sun is shining and it was 53 degrees when went out. Ashley and Alona rode their bikes (which are way too small for them now) and Natalie walked/rode in the stroller/was carried by her daddy. As the girls were on bikes, we had to walk at a good pace to keep up with them. I am thinking of starting a tradition of outdoor activities that will keep us active on Saturdays. I would really like to teach my kids to stay active and healthy, rather than have them struggle to stay fit when they are adults. If I start them on the right path now, maybe it will stick and they won't have the struggles that I have. Not that I am too worried. Ashley is in ballet twice a week and Alona is in Intro to Jazz/Hip Hop, so they do have some activities that are exercise.
Friday was a rest day. I was feeling it from the runs the two previous day. I am quite proud of myself for running 30 minutes. I didn't think I could do it. And I couldn't a few weeks ago.
Saturday was supposed to be a 40 minute run. We were actually busy all day and then went on a date for Valentine's Day. So we never went running. I think I will run 40 minutes on Monday to make up for it.
Sunday is a rest day again. We did go on a walk. It is a gorgeous day- the sun is shining and it was 53 degrees when went out. Ashley and Alona rode their bikes (which are way too small for them now) and Natalie walked/rode in the stroller/was carried by her daddy. As the girls were on bikes, we had to walk at a good pace to keep up with them. I am thinking of starting a tradition of outdoor activities that will keep us active on Saturdays. I would really like to teach my kids to stay active and healthy, rather than have them struggle to stay fit when they are adults. If I start them on the right path now, maybe it will stick and they won't have the struggles that I have. Not that I am too worried. Ashley is in ballet twice a week and Alona is in Intro to Jazz/Hip Hop, so they do have some activities that are exercise.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Training: Day 58, 59
Tuesday was a rest day. I was extremely tired. This darn cold sure is getting old. I seem to cough a lot. I wonder if it will ever go away.
Wednesday I slept in till about 10 am. And yet I was tired all day. I think my body just can't recover from late nights now that I am in my 30's as well as it could when I was in my early 20's. Especially with a cold. My late nights were with my family in town, not out partying. I don't do that. This evening I was sitting at the kitchen counter and just fell asleep. I was contemplating not running because I was so tired and still coughing like crazy. But Jeff finally got up and ran, so I decided I really needed to as well. So when Jeff got back, off I went. Today's run was supposed to be 30 minutes. I ran for about 13 1/2 minutes and then got a cramp in my side that just wouldn't go away. So I walked until my iPod beeped at me letting me know it had been 15 minutes. That is when I turn around. So I turned around and started running. The cramp came back, but I decided to just keep running. It eventually got better, although it never went away completely. I was still pretty far from the house when the 15 minute timer went off again, signaling the end of my run. I decided to make up for the walking in the middle and set it for 2 more minutes to finish off my run. I made it a few paces past my house when it went off. I am not looking forward to the 40 minute run on Saturday!
Wednesday I slept in till about 10 am. And yet I was tired all day. I think my body just can't recover from late nights now that I am in my 30's as well as it could when I was in my early 20's. Especially with a cold. My late nights were with my family in town, not out partying. I don't do that. This evening I was sitting at the kitchen counter and just fell asleep. I was contemplating not running because I was so tired and still coughing like crazy. But Jeff finally got up and ran, so I decided I really needed to as well. So when Jeff got back, off I went. Today's run was supposed to be 30 minutes. I ran for about 13 1/2 minutes and then got a cramp in my side that just wouldn't go away. So I walked until my iPod beeped at me letting me know it had been 15 minutes. That is when I turn around. So I turned around and started running. The cramp came back, but I decided to just keep running. It eventually got better, although it never went away completely. I was still pretty far from the house when the 15 minute timer went off again, signaling the end of my run. I decided to make up for the walking in the middle and set it for 2 more minutes to finish off my run. I made it a few paces past my house when it went off. I am not looking forward to the 40 minute run on Saturday!
Training: Day 57
I didn't go running on Monday. I was REALLY tired, still suffering from this cold, and it was freezing out, literally. I know, excuses, excuses.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Why am I doing this?
Why am I running a half marathon? There are many reasons. It started out sounding like a great accomplishment. I mean, how awesome is it to say I ran a marathon? That was my original thought. But being realistic, I saw that I really didn't have enough time to train for a marathon. So I looked at the 5K or the half marathon. I asked Jeff if he would do one with me. At first, he said the 5K. Then he realized how short it is and said the half marathon. I can't even run a 5K at this point, but since a marathon is my ultimate goal, I wanted a real challenge. So the half marathon was chosen. I also decided it would be a good way to lose some weight. After all, how could I possibly run that much during training and not lose weight?
But now, I have been thinking about it more. I think I want this because I come from a family of runners. I quit running before I really got started thanks to my evil elementary PE teacher who made me run an extra lap on the mile once. She told me I wasn't fast enough to have finished first! My Dad holds the record for the quarter mile at his high school to this day. Don't tell me I couldn't run that fast! It really made me hate running. But now, I regret quitting. Everyone else in my family who went to public school ran track. I think one of my sisters still holds a record at the junior high. Maybe if I do this, I will prove that I do fit in with my family. And maybe if I continue to run half marathons and marathons, one day I might just be really good at it. My dad did run cross country after all.
And of course, I have to credit my old high school friend Andrea for inspiring me. If she can do it, I might as well push myself to do it, too!
But now, I have been thinking about it more. I think I want this because I come from a family of runners. I quit running before I really got started thanks to my evil elementary PE teacher who made me run an extra lap on the mile once. She told me I wasn't fast enough to have finished first! My Dad holds the record for the quarter mile at his high school to this day. Don't tell me I couldn't run that fast! It really made me hate running. But now, I regret quitting. Everyone else in my family who went to public school ran track. I think one of my sisters still holds a record at the junior high. Maybe if I do this, I will prove that I do fit in with my family. And maybe if I continue to run half marathons and marathons, one day I might just be really good at it. My dad did run cross country after all.
And of course, I have to credit my old high school friend Andrea for inspiring me. If she can do it, I might as well push myself to do it, too!
Week 8: Healthy Eating Goals
So I have been doing fairly well with eating breakfast and lunch. I still need to work on the fruit/veggie intake. I try, but it is hard to get them all in. I think what I should work on next is knowing when to stop eating. This week I want to work on that.
So this week, my Healthy Eating Goal is to pay attention when I eat and learn to feel when I am satisfied. And, of course, stop eating at that point.
So this week, my Healthy Eating Goal is to pay attention when I eat and learn to feel when I am satisfied. And, of course, stop eating at that point.
Training: Day 54, 55, 56
Well this weekend was just crazy. We had family in town and I was still sick. This cold was pretty bad. I had a fever for a few days. I think Friday it was slightly better. Friday was a rest day anyway, but I was hoping to make up for missing Thursdays run. It didn't happen.
Saturday I was supposed to run. I planned to run with my brother, Charles. Ashley had her baptism and then we came home and had dinner. Then we played Rock Band. Then we talked. We had to. With 2 sisters in town, how can you not? Aurelia was getting really sick and had a fever (same thing as me, but she brought it with her), so we all went out to soak in the hot tub. I still wanted to go running, but we never got to it. My throat was pretty bad, and I was coughing a lot.
Sunday was a rest day. We went to the coast. I will be posting pictures of that on my other blog. My cold seemed to be getting better, but still a lot of coughing.
Hopefully Monday will start a new and better week.
Saturday I was supposed to run. I planned to run with my brother, Charles. Ashley had her baptism and then we came home and had dinner. Then we played Rock Band. Then we talked. We had to. With 2 sisters in town, how can you not? Aurelia was getting really sick and had a fever (same thing as me, but she brought it with her), so we all went out to soak in the hot tub. I still wanted to go running, but we never got to it. My throat was pretty bad, and I was coughing a lot.
Sunday was a rest day. We went to the coast. I will be posting pictures of that on my other blog. My cold seemed to be getting better, but still a lot of coughing.
Hopefully Monday will start a new and better week.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Training: Day 53
I didn't make it running. With my Dad coming in late in the evening I had to get his room ready. And make sure the bathroom was ready to be tiled. And with this darn cold I've got it just wasn't happening. I am feeling pretty awful. I am hoping I can run Saturday.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Training: Day 52
I went out and ran. Cold and all. It was a struggle. I didn't make it as far as I did on Monday in the 25 minutes. I was really dragging. But I did it. We will see how tomorrow goes.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Training: Day 51
Tuesday was a rest day. During my run on Monday it seemed that I had a lot of post nasal drip. I thought it was just the usual that I get running. (Gotta love the allergies here in Oregon) As the night when on, my throat started to feel sore. Tuesday I woke up to my throat hurting quite a bit and some major congestion. Just what I needed. It is really hard to run outside in the cold damp air with a cold. And it is supposed to start raining again this week.
I looked at a treadmill last week, but it wouldn't work when I got there. Nice, huh? I don't really want to spend a lot on one because I really prefer to run outside. But it sure would be nice to have one when I am sick. I will keep looking. We will have to see what happens for running over the next few days with this darn cold.
I looked at a treadmill last week, but it wouldn't work when I got there. Nice, huh? I don't really want to spend a lot on one because I really prefer to run outside. But it sure would be nice to have one when I am sick. I will keep looking. We will have to see what happens for running over the next few days with this darn cold.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Training: Day 47, 48, 49, 50
47. Friday was a rest day. I ate both breakfast and lunch. I am really working on that one again. I just need to eat 3 solid meals a day.
48. Saturday was quite a busy day. And then it got really cold by the time I could get out to run. So I didn't. I really hate running if its below freezing. It hurts my throat.
49. Sunday was a rest day. Oh, how I love rest days. But I really do enjoy training. It is good for me and really makes me happier.
50. Monday. Today we started our week of 25 minutes running. I did it. It wasn't too bad. Although, about 5 1/2 minutes in I was feeling like I just wasn't going to make it. I pushed through and managed 19 1/2 more minutes. What was I thinking? Maybe I got numb and it didn't bother me anymore after the first 12 minutes.
48. Saturday was quite a busy day. And then it got really cold by the time I could get out to run. So I didn't. I really hate running if its below freezing. It hurts my throat.
49. Sunday was a rest day. Oh, how I love rest days. But I really do enjoy training. It is good for me and really makes me happier.
50. Monday. Today we started our week of 25 minutes running. I did it. It wasn't too bad. Although, about 5 1/2 minutes in I was feeling like I just wasn't going to make it. I pushed through and managed 19 1/2 more minutes. What was I thinking? Maybe I got numb and it didn't bother me anymore after the first 12 minutes.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Training: Day 46
I went out on my 20 minute run tonight. I was pretty sore from running yesterday and wasn't sure I'd be able to run the whole time. I ran halfway, and then my calves were so tight I couldn't run anymore. So I walked one street over to my friend's house and picked up the scarf I left. Then I walked back to where I stopped running and ran back home. So I got 20 minutes of running, I just had to take a few minutes in the middle to rest my calves. I am sore. Gonna go sit in the hot tub now. Gotta go!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Training: Day 45
I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, I think I can....
I ran for 20 minutes tonight! Okay, more like the slowest jog ever for 20 minutes, but it's a start! I can't believe I did it! I was really feeling like I couldn't do it. I could only manage 5 minutes at a time last week. I think the key was slowing down. I paced myself with music on the iPod.
I started out thinking I would just try to run for the first 10 minutes. Then, when I had run for just over 9 minutes I turned around. I knew I would be slower coming back. I told myself I would just keep going as long as I could and walk the rest of the way home. I made it all the way back.
This is making me feel like I actually can do this. I think that was part of what kept me from going out on Monday. I felt like I couldn't do it, so the cold weather just gave me an excuse. That is why I am wanting a treadmill. Then I won't have any weather excuses. It would just be for part of the time. Outdoor training is probably the best. I am going to look at a used one tomorrow. We'll see what happens.
I ran for 20 minutes tonight! Okay, more like the slowest jog ever for 20 minutes, but it's a start! I can't believe I did it! I was really feeling like I couldn't do it. I could only manage 5 minutes at a time last week. I think the key was slowing down. I paced myself with music on the iPod.
I started out thinking I would just try to run for the first 10 minutes. Then, when I had run for just over 9 minutes I turned around. I knew I would be slower coming back. I told myself I would just keep going as long as I could and walk the rest of the way home. I made it all the way back.
This is making me feel like I actually can do this. I think that was part of what kept me from going out on Monday. I felt like I couldn't do it, so the cold weather just gave me an excuse. That is why I am wanting a treadmill. Then I won't have any weather excuses. It would just be for part of the time. Outdoor training is probably the best. I am going to look at a used one tomorrow. We'll see what happens.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Training: Day 44
I was going to make up for Monday by running today. It was actually colder today with hail/snow/rain mixed all together. I looked on craigslist for treadmills and will be going to the store later this evening. I need to run. This week was supposed to be 20 minutes running. I don't know if I can do that yet. I'm pretty out of shape and haven't run for more than a minute in about 20 years. I'm only 32. What does that say? I will let you know what happens with the treadmill.
Training: Day 40, 41, 42, 43
Friday was a rest day.
Saturday I was supposed to get out there for my last walk/run. It never happened. It was quite a busy weekend with 2 birthday parties. And I was being lazy.
Sunday was another rest day.
Monday... Well, Monday was stinkin' cold. I had to give a friend a ride so she could get her car fixed and by the time we were back, it was after 7pm. It was already below freezing outside. I really don't like running outside when it is that cold. It burns my throat and hurts my pinky- which has fibrous growths in the joint and the pain gets worse in the cold. I am looking for a good but inexpensive treadmill for really cold and really rainy days when I just can't bring myself to get outside.
Saturday I was supposed to get out there for my last walk/run. It never happened. It was quite a busy weekend with 2 birthday parties. And I was being lazy.
Sunday was another rest day.
Monday... Well, Monday was stinkin' cold. I had to give a friend a ride so she could get her car fixed and by the time we were back, it was after 7pm. It was already below freezing outside. I really don't like running outside when it is that cold. It burns my throat and hurts my pinky- which has fibrous growths in the joint and the pain gets worse in the cold. I am looking for a good but inexpensive treadmill for really cold and really rainy days when I just can't bring myself to get outside.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
New shoes
Jeff and I bought new shoes tonight. We went to the Eugene Running Company to get them. They do a gait analysis to help you choose the right shoes. I guess I have a bit of pronation? They recommended a couple of shoes and I ended up getting the Brooks Ariel. They have quite the arch support. It did affect the inside of my lower legs in my run/walk tonight. Hopefully I will get used to that quickly.

Training: Day 38, 39
Wednesday I was recovering from my travels and did not get out. Bad me.
Thursday I ran/walked for 35 minutes. I tried to do more running all at once. I got about 4 minutes in at the beginning. Then walked for a bit and ran about another 4 minutes. I was dieing. I don't know if I spelled that right. It looks kinda funny. Anyway, I had total pain on the inside of my lower legs. Especially on my left leg. Must be the new shoes. I will get to that in my next post.
Thursday I ran/walked for 35 minutes. I tried to do more running all at once. I got about 4 minutes in at the beginning. Then walked for a bit and ran about another 4 minutes. I was dieing. I don't know if I spelled that right. It looks kinda funny. Anyway, I had total pain on the inside of my lower legs. Especially on my left leg. Must be the new shoes. I will get to that in my next post.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Training: Day 35, 36, and 37
Sunday was a rest day. I didn't do a Healthy Eating Goal this week. Being out of town, it just didn't happen.
Monday I walked/ran on the treadmill again. I went 2.4 miles this time. As I was running, I really started feeling like I wasn't ever going to be able to run for 20 minutes consecutively. I could only run for 5 minutes. Then I walked 2, ran 2 and couple rounds and then walked for awhile. I ran the last 1 1/2 minutes. I was really discouraged. But I have thought a lot about it and decided I am just going to keep trying until I get there.
Tuesday was a rest day. I went to the beach in Pensacola in the morning. Then we went to the mall and then the airport at 2 pm. I was traveling home until just after midnight. I am home now!
Monday I walked/ran on the treadmill again. I went 2.4 miles this time. As I was running, I really started feeling like I wasn't ever going to be able to run for 20 minutes consecutively. I could only run for 5 minutes. Then I walked 2, ran 2 and couple rounds and then walked for awhile. I ran the last 1 1/2 minutes. I was really discouraged. But I have thought a lot about it and decided I am just going to keep trying until I get there.
Tuesday was a rest day. I went to the beach in Pensacola in the morning. Then we went to the mall and then the airport at 2 pm. I was traveling home until just after midnight. I am home now!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Training: Day 31, 32, 33 and 34
I am in sunny Florida! Wednesday I was preparing to leave and did not get out. Thursday was a travel day (6:30 am - 8:30 pm). It was a long day. Friday I went to the clubhouse at my friend's apartment complex. I used the treadmill. It was nice to see that I went 2.2 miles in the 35 minute walk/run. Saturday I used the treadmill again. I think that was the first time I have done it two days in a row. It was harder the second day. Anyway, I will be here till Tuesday, so I plan to use the treadmill again on Monday!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Training: Day 30
Tuesday was a rest day! Yay! I actually was not sore. Kinda strange because I was plenty sore right after my run/walk on Monday. Just to let you know, I am going to Florida Thursday and won't be back till really late Tuesday. I might not be able to post a lot while out of town. I do, however, intend to train while there. The days might be a little off because I will be traveling all day Thursday and might not be able to get my run/walk in until Friday. Woohoo Florida! Here I come!
Monday, January 12, 2009
Training: Day 29
I went out for 35 minutes of walking and running this evening. It had been a week since I last got out. I have to say that the sore muscles are spreading. It seems like each week I hurt in new places! Will it ever end? Maybe if I don't take a week off!
Week 5: Healthy Eating Goal
This week's healthy eating goal is going to be to refrain from eating after 8 pm. This is a tough one for me as I like to eat something at night when we watch TV. But it is something that I definitely need to do.
Training: Day 28
I am going to try running tomorrow. My cold is still here, but I think I will never get back out there if I don't just go for it.
This week training will be a 35 minute walk/run. Next week will be the same as well. Then we switch it up to a 20 minute full run. Yay! Not sure I am ready yet. We will see....
This week training will be a 35 minute walk/run. Next week will be the same as well. Then we switch it up to a 20 minute full run. Yay! Not sure I am ready yet. We will see....
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Training: Day 27
Today is the worst day so for with this cold. I am getting really annoyed. I am hoping it gets better soon so I can get out there again.
Friday, January 9, 2009
Training: Day 25
This cold is really killing me here. The rain is supposed to be gone for awhile starting tomorrow, though. I didn't get my run in again, but am thinking of making up for it with a run on Friday.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Training: Day 24
I woke up this morning with really bad congestion. It was raining tonight when I would go running, and I am not sure it is a good idea to run in the cold rain with a cold starting. I really need a back-up plan for these kind of days. Like a treadmill or indoor track. Oh how I wish I had a treadmill today. That would be a lifesaver on a rainy day while sick! I don't know that tomorrow will be much better. I really need to keep up the running or I will never work through these shin splints!
Training: Day 23
Tuesdays are rest days. I definitely needed it today. My legs were hurting very badly. But not from training. Sometimes I just get pain in my legs. I don't really know how to explain it. It is like it is radiating out of my bones. Nothing makes it go away except sleeping. It was pretty awful.
I didn't eat breakfast or lunch. I only ate dinner at 11:30 pm. Not very good. I pretty much blew every single one of my healthy eating goals today!
I didn't eat breakfast or lunch. I only ate dinner at 11:30 pm. Not very good. I pretty much blew every single one of my healthy eating goals today!
Monday, January 5, 2009
Training: Day 22
Today marked the first day of our 30 minute run/walk week. Wow! My shins were on fire when I got home. Jeff and I soaked in the hot tub that was only 100F, not so hot. More like warm. But it was nice. I am imagining that we will be needing it more tomorrow.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Week 4: Healthy Eating Goal
This week I am going to refocus on my previous goals as well as setting a new one.
Just to review they are:
1- Eat both breakfast and lunch every day.
2- Leave a little food on my plate.
3- Make my own bread.
I seem to be slacking on some of these. I will try to get back on track this week.
Now for this weeks Healthy Eating Goal:
Eat at least 3 servings of fruits and/or vegetables daily.
I had broccoli, kale, and an orange with my dinner. And the real kicker, the veggies were steamed. That's the only way to do them, if not eating them raw. I'd say I got that one in the bag today. Let's see how I do tomorrow.
Just to review they are:
1- Eat both breakfast and lunch every day.
2- Leave a little food on my plate.
3- Make my own bread.
I seem to be slacking on some of these. I will try to get back on track this week.
Now for this weeks Healthy Eating Goal:
Eat at least 3 servings of fruits and/or vegetables daily.
I had broccoli, kale, and an orange with my dinner. And the real kicker, the veggies were steamed. That's the only way to do them, if not eating them raw. I'd say I got that one in the bag today. Let's see how I do tomorrow.
Training: Day 21
Sundays are rest days for me, so nothing much going on today. I definitely got in some rest! 2 naps. Although, I am not sure if 10 minutes each time really counts. Hmmm. I don't think it does. Oh well!
Training: Day 20
Today was supposed to be my last day of a 25 run/walk. The day was filled with sleeping in, making a birthday present, attending a Tupperware party, attending a birthday party, picking up a babysitter, and having a Rock Band get-together with friends. Had I not slept in, I could've found time to get out there for my run. Nope. I had to go and be lazy. What's with me? I am so not perfect and disciplined. I wish I was. I am still working on it. Bare with me, please. I am a work in progress. This blog is tracking my ups and downs on the journey. I will continue training, even when failing for the day. One day shouldn't effect the outcome of the journey- it just might mean I have to work harder to get back on track. As I've said before, I will do this. I can do this. I can make my life healthier, happier. And finishing this half marathon will give me a great sense of accomplishment.
Training: Day 19
Fridays are rest days, so I didn't run. I did, however, make spelt bread. I usually go for half whole and half white spelt flour, but this time I did 3/4 whole flour. It really made it dense. It is still good. Especially toasted with butter and honey. Yumm! What isn't good with butter and honey?
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Training: Day 18
I went running! It was 50 degrees when I left, so I didn't have to wear a jacket. That is nice, not running in the freezing cold! I am actually finding myself looking forward to running most days now. I was really hoping to get out yesterday, but it was a busy day- first taking the girls for haircuts, then babysitting for a friend, then having a playdate for the kids at my house, then dinner, then cleaning for the Rock Band Marathon, then the party starting. It was pretty much non-stop. I am not good at getting up early in the morning by myself to exercise. If I have someone to go with I will do it. But on my own, not so much. So it is usually middle of the day or evening runs for me.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Training: Day 17
With people coming for a New Year's Eve Rock Band party, I didn't get out today. I know. Lame excuses.....
Training: Day 16
Tuesday was a rest day. Luckily, I actually wasn't sore! I was quite shocked. Didn't get around to making bread, again.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Training: Day 15
Today began the week of the 25 minute run/walk. And guess what!? I went! I did it. This time I ran at least half which way outdoes my not quite half of 20 minutes on Saturday. This time the running was very slow. My shins hurt at first, but then I got used to it. Luckily, I also have a rather high threshold for pain. I am proud of myself for getting out there today. It was 36 degrees out there, but I got hot and took of my jacket. I had capris and a tank top on. Yeah, it gets that hot when you are working up a sweat!
Didn't get around to making my bread today. It was a busy day due to going in to work for a change.
Didn't get around to making my bread today. It was a busy day due to going in to work for a change.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Week 3: Healthy Eating Goal
This week my goal is to make my own bread. I have really enjoyed eating baked foods made with spelt, but it seems that all too often I just am too lazy to bake. So this week I plan to make bread, and not eat any store bought bread. It really shouldn't be too hard, I just need to do it.
Training: Day 14
I am definitely sore from running yesterday. A nice soak in the hot tub last night was nice. My shins still feel bruised today, but I think it will get better in a couple of weeks. I am not looking forward to the pain I will probably have to endure while trying to run tomorrow. I will do this. I just have to keep telling myself that I can and I will.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Training: Days 12& 13
Yesterday it just never happened. I know, I am not very good at this. It is quite a stretch for me to be doing this, but I will do it. I can do this.
Today I made it out! I walk/run on the EWEB bike path that is behind my house. There are electrical lines along it. I alternated running and walking between sets of poles. It worked out well. I ran almost half of the time. That is much better than I did the last time.
The only problem I have with running is that I get shin splints. The kind that is just caused by the muscles. I think that I can eventually work through it. I think it is just because the muscles are being used and stretched in ways they haven't in sooooo long. Any tips?
Today I made it out! I walk/run on the EWEB bike path that is behind my house. There are electrical lines along it. I alternated running and walking between sets of poles. It worked out well. I ran almost half of the time. That is much better than I did the last time.
The only problem I have with running is that I get shin splints. The kind that is just caused by the muscles. I think that I can eventually work through it. I think it is just because the muscles are being used and stretched in ways they haven't in sooooo long. Any tips?
Friday, December 26, 2008
Training: Day 11
Merry Christmas! Today is a rest day. We filled up on a big early dinner and enjoyed having friends and family with us!
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Training: Day 10
Today I was stuck at the sewing machine, so I did not get out. My shoulders are sore from all this sewing. I didn't even finish everything. I will get out on Friday for more running in my walk. Happy Christmas Eve!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Training: Day 9
Today, I decided to make up for yesterdays slacking. I dragged myself out of bed and went out in the near freezing morning air. I got in a tiny bit of running. Hopefully I will be able to add a tiny bit more tomorrow. It got me up and going for the day- which is really nice when you have a tendency to stay in bed as long as possible in the mornings.
This week I am modifying my schedule to look like this:
Monday: rest
Tuesday: 20 min walk/run
Wednesday: 20 min walk/run
Thursday: rest (Merry Christmas!)
Friday: 20 min walk/run
Saturday: 20 min walk/run
Sunday: rest
This week I am modifying my schedule to look like this:
Monday: rest
Tuesday: 20 min walk/run
Wednesday: 20 min walk/run
Thursday: rest (Merry Christmas!)
Friday: 20 min walk/run
Saturday: 20 min walk/run
Sunday: rest
Week 2: Healthy Eating Goal
This week's healthy eating goal is to leave food on my plate.
This may sound weird, but it has a huge impact for me.
When I was growing up, my parents would set the timer for me to eat my carrots or whatever other food I didn't like. When the timer went off, if I hadn't eaten it I would get a spanking. I was always told to eat all of my food. I am sure that most people were told to eat everything on their plate when they were growing up. I vowed never to do that (the timer and spanking thing) to my kids. Now, I have to admit, I did this to Ashley once. She has a very difficult time eating anything other than chicken nuggets. I was trying everything I could think of to get her to eat a variety of foods. I cried as I did it (more like as I forced Jeff to do it). We never did it again. We found other means that have worked fairly well without crying or pain (hopefully- but Ashley might disagree).
Anyway, leaving a little bit of food on my plate seems to leave me with a sense of discipline. I feel empowered by it. It may sound strange, but try it. You might be surprised. I am also trying very hard to teach my children to eat only until they are satisfied.
This may sound weird, but it has a huge impact for me.
When I was growing up, my parents would set the timer for me to eat my carrots or whatever other food I didn't like. When the timer went off, if I hadn't eaten it I would get a spanking. I was always told to eat all of my food. I am sure that most people were told to eat everything on their plate when they were growing up. I vowed never to do that (the timer and spanking thing) to my kids. Now, I have to admit, I did this to Ashley once. She has a very difficult time eating anything other than chicken nuggets. I was trying everything I could think of to get her to eat a variety of foods. I cried as I did it (more like as I forced Jeff to do it). We never did it again. We found other means that have worked fairly well without crying or pain (hopefully- but Ashley might disagree).
Anyway, leaving a little bit of food on my plate seems to leave me with a sense of discipline. I feel empowered by it. It may sound strange, but try it. You might be surprised. I am also trying very hard to teach my children to eat only until they are satisfied.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Training: Day 7
Today is my rest day. I am excited and nervous about this week. I get to run/walk. I am not sure how much to run. I guess I should take it slow and just see what I can do at this point, and then push myself further each time. It is kind of a strange time to start training- with snow and ice and then Christmas and New Years. But I will do this.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Training: Day 6
Guess what!? I walked today! It was at home in my living room. I walked back and forth across it. It was about 10:10 this evening. Yep. This blogging thing is making me get up off my behind and do something. The thought of having to leave a day blank or fess up to not doing anything is enough to make me do it! Guess its good motivation. Tomorrow is a rest day, so I was trying to think of something to blog about on rest days. Maybe I'll come up with something meaningful and somewhat related to running or training for the half marathon.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Training: Day 5
Today is a rest day. We awoke to snow again. I am still doing well eating both breakfast and lunch every day. I am looking forward to next week when I get to add a little running to my walks. Looks like next week's weather won't allow me to train outside yet. I'm not sure how I will be able to run at the mall. Anyone have any ideas on where to run in icy rain?
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Week 1: Healthy Eating Goal
I am going to set a healthy eating goal each week of training. My plan is to work on the new goal that week and then continue it on each week thereafter.
This week's goal is to eat breakfast and lunch everyday. Sometimes I seem to get up late and then take my time doing "stuff" around the house and forget to eat breakfast. Then I want a snack and eat whatever I can find. If I make a conscious effort to eat both meals, I will snack less and make better food choices. I have done well so far this week.
This week's goal is to eat breakfast and lunch everyday. Sometimes I seem to get up late and then take my time doing "stuff" around the house and forget to eat breakfast. Then I want a snack and eat whatever I can find. If I make a conscious effort to eat both meals, I will snack less and make better food choices. I have done well so far this week.
Training: Day 4
Woohoo! Today was a go! The roads were cleared with the rain that pounded down last night, so I was able to get to the mall to walk this morning. I walked for 30 minutes. I probably should've walked a bit faster, but Bridget and I were pushing strollers. It is supposed to freeze again tonight, so we'll see about tomorrow. This weeks plan was to walk for 20 minutes 4 times. So far I've gotten in 1 time. Next week is going to be a 20 minute walk/run. I'm really hoping this cold craziness is gone by then, because I'm good at walking, but not so much when it comes to running.
At least I was able to get some training in today.
At least I was able to get some training in today.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Training: Day 3
The weather is still awful. I think it is 33 degrees right now. I am hoping most of the ice will melt. I checked out the bike path where we are to do our walking and running. It has some clear spots, but half of it is still ice and snow covered. I am getting frustrated. If there is school tomorrow then I can go walk at the mall and push Natalie in the stroller. I've tried that with the 2 older girls and they get tired and complain. What is a person to do? And there is supposed to be a storm tonight with more snow/ice? And again on Sunday!? What's with this crazy weather. It usually only snows once or twice and melts off by noon! I need to get going with this training!!!!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Training: Day 2
So... Today is supposed to have a high of 16 degrees. School was canceled. Again. Today is supposed to be a rest day, but I was hoping to make up for yesterday. So much for that, seeing as how we are iced in. And now another storm is coming in tomorrow. It's supposed to stay really cold and have sleet and icy rain. Yuck. This is not working so well. What's with the freakish weather?! Pray for warmer days again so I can train, please!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Training: Day 1
Jeff and I were planning to get up at 6 this morning and start our training with a 20 minute fast paced walk. It snowed.
Because we are training outside, we weren't able to go. Unfortunately, it rained yesterday so under the snow on the pavement is a layer of frozen slush/ice. It would snow/ice on our first day! We will try to get our walk in this evening.
Because we are training outside, we weren't able to go. Unfortunately, it rained yesterday so under the snow on the pavement is a layer of frozen slush/ice. It would snow/ice on our first day! We will try to get our walk in this evening.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
I decided to start a separate blog tracking the progress of training and running a half marathon. My husband Jeff and I are doing this together. The event is May 3, 2009. Training is 20 weeks and begins tomorrow, December 15th, 2008. Hope you'll come visit often!
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